I have a lot of picture on my computer of food that I've made and I couldn't help but notice how many of them had potatoes in them. I think I eat a lot of potatoes, I think I've just been taking more pictures of foods with potatoes. But anyway, when I'm in rehearsals for shows I try to bring my lunch and sometimes dinner to work. A couple of months ago I bought some Bento boxes in China Town (Toronto's China Town). I really like them. Apart from the fact that they are really cute and pretty, they are quite portable. I came across a picture of a baked potato in a bento box. I think I took it when I was making a couple of days worth of meals to take to work. What I did was separate all the parts that make up my baked potato. When I got to work I put all the parts together and heated it up. This recipe can be made for as many people as you like. But this just serves one.
You will need:
Cookie Sheet- you can line it with foil for easy clean up if you like
Cutting Board
Saute pan
Wooden spoon
Foil- enough to wrap your potato
1 Potato
3-4 Mushroom, sliced
1 clove garlic minced
as much Cheddar cheese as you like
1 tbs butter
Salt to taste
1)Wrap the potato in foil and place on a cookie sheet.Put into a 350 degree oven.
2)Heat saute pan with butter
3)Add minced garlic and mushrooms to saute pan and cook until mushrooms are golden brown.
4)When potato is cooked take out of oven and unwrap foil.Be very careful because the potato is very hot.
5)Cut the potato in four but do not separate from the bottom skin.
6)Put a little bit of butter onto the potato
7)Add sauteed mushroom and cheese. If you want to take it out with you, you can assemble it or separate it into it's parts.